Saturday, March 29, 2008


Prostitution, pornography, and other forms of commercial sex are a multibillion dollar industry. They enrich a small minority of predators, while the larger community is left to pay for the damage. People used in the sex industry often need medical care as a result of the ever-present violence. They may need treatment for infectious diseases, including AIDS. Survivors frequently need mental health care for post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotic episodes and suicide attempts. About a third end up chronically disabled and on Social Security. The sex trade plays an active role in promoting alcohol and drug problems. Pimps also use prostituted women in forgery and credit card fraud. The community must pay for chemical dependency treatment, insurance costs and incarceration. In addition to these costs, the community loses the contributions which might have been made to legitimate community productivity by those used up in the sex industry. The operators of sex businesses not only do not pay for these expenses, many manage to avoid paying taxes at all.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Native Son News Article

  What started as a beautiful day wasn't so beautiful after all......... Today Bigger Thomas was arrested for murder and rape against a white women. He is going to plead not guilty on his court date. Some people say he should be sent  to the death penalty but others think he is not responsible. Who knows what will happen to him but to find out watch the channel six news tonight at 11.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Reflection on Service Learning Week 1

For the service learning I'm thinking about working with the elderly. Service learning is very important because your helping others and also giving to the community.
5 Independent Service Opportunities

Monday, March 3, 2008

NHD Reflection

 My reflection on nhd was difficult because I started attending Constitution High School in the middle of the year and near the end of the nhd project. I didn't have that much time to get a lot of information but i did as much as i could. Getting the information was easy. Putting it all together on paper was the hard part. I didn't really meat all the standards of the paper that i was suppose to but I did the best I could. 

Native Son Summaries

Chapter 1-Trauma
  The first chapter starts on pg.3 and ends on pg.15. this chapter deals with Bigger killing the rat. I would call this chapter trauma because everyone in the house was being traumatized. The mother was being traumatized by Bigger, and Bigger and his brothers and sisters were being traumatized by the rat. So he killed the rat with a skillet. In this chapter it also explains the type of enviornment Bigger and his family lives in. When ever someone wanted to get dressed everyone else would have to turn around. The mother also tells Bigger that sometimes she wonders why she even gave birth to him.
  The point of this chapter is to show the readers how Bigger and his family lives and the type of things he has to deal with everyday. Like how he doesn't get along with his mom and how small his apartment is.

Chapter 2-Playing Games
  The second chapter starts on pg.16 and ends on pg.22. It was a hot day and Bigger and his friends didn't have anything to do. So they decided to play a game called "White". Where they tried to imitate the manners of white folks. After playing the game Bigger realized that the white folks don't let the black people do anything. That made him realize that he really has no freedom.
  In this chapter they wanted to introduce Biggers friends and what they do together to have fun.

Chapter 3-The Plan
   The third chapter starts on pg.23 and ends on pg.29. In this chapter they are in the poolroom making a plan to rob a white guy.
   I think Richard Wright put this in the book so people could see how they act like criminals.